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tv   KRON 4 Morning News  KRON  December 13, 2012 7:00am-10:00am PST

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(male announcer) live from the bay area here is your kron 4 news let's get the latest on weather and traffic. we began in the traffic center where we have been falling the hot spot on the san mateo bridge. >> we have good looking traffic now on the san mateo bridge. we had an earlier problem with a fatal accident that was blocking for about two and a half hours. westbound 92 on the san mateo bridge after the high-rise closer to the decline section. that is out of the way and it was clear around 6:00 this morning. you are looking at regular sluggish commute traffic right now. your drive time is about 15 minutes as you
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work your way out of hayward towards foster city. traffic maps show new trouble spot on the peninsula as you head south on 1 01. new accident at briggs avenue involving several cars blocking several lanes of traffic. the scissors are picking up some slowing. you are less than 24 h
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yesterday the tide was 7.1 at the golden gate bridge. today it will be 7.2 the highest tide of the entire year to date. we talk about the warning signs. you can see one of them they're letting people know this parking lot of flood. we're sharing a video from yesterday of what it looked like during the high tide. yesterday it was at 9:45
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a.m.. today at 1034. you can see the standing water 2 to 3 in. deep. some over the tops of this higher suspect. they had t close the on and planes. >> had to close the on and off ramps. >> they are warning people that will get back to day. to give you a point of reference. last week at the same time high tide was 5.2 at the golden gate bridge. today is its full to feed more than last week. we are expecting to see flooding in low-lying areas. >> they have put up warning signs to let people know the displays will flood at some point today. >> as you noted earlier the water is quite a ways away. >> is it that it gets higher and higher incomes of from the ground or is this water
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pouring in from somewhere. >> if a little bit of both. the bay is over there in that area. as i said we are below sea level in a big bowl. you get the high tide and the water table coming up and the water's coming in from the bay. it makes for a bad place. >> more and more cars keep showing up there is one part right there. >> we will see what the situation is like, 1030 or so when the tide is as peaks. >> thank you jackie. >> after years of legal wrangling in oakland and powerful outside compliance director is now set to oversee the oakland police department. >> a federal judge signed off on the plan yesterday. the compliance director will have the power to demote or fire the police chief as well as set an action plan for carrying out several reforms. >> regarding the use of force and alleged racial
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profiling. >> the compliance director's power to impose discipline is limited to the command staff of the police informer. the rector will also have to get approval from a judge to spend money. the recommendations for candidates for the position must be submitted to the judge by december 21st. >> the oakland police are stopping 75% fewer drivers and pedestrians than last year. this sharp drop in in force to comes as the same time as the peak in crime in one of california's most dangerous cities. >> oakland office is made more than 68,000 police stops in both 2008 and 2009. >> there are about 49,000 jobs in 2010 at the 25,000 last year. >> through november of this year there have been 14,000, 400 stops. this means oakland police are on track to make just more than 15,700 stops this year. >> governor jerry brown is being treated for prostate
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cancer. the governor's office released a statement confirming his condition yesterday's. >> the 74 year old is undergoing radiation treatment. doctors at the university of california say the cancer is in its early stages and is being treated with a short course of conventional radio therapy. >> governor brown's doctors call his problem as a speciaone prognosis excellent. >> in 18 days the bush era tax cut as fired automatic spending cuts kick in. it looks like we're getting nowhere in washington on a deal. >> thank you marc. running a
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private business inside the city hall of an east bay city that is the allegation that in employees making in a complaint that was filed with multiple agencies including contra costa county district attorney's office. the complaint was filed several months ago. now the employes will in the whistle publicly deciding to speak on camera for the first-time kron 4. >> we are looking at the richmond city hall to address with the human- resources and our business name. it's ridiculous. the public should be outraged i am out rates. >> the city of richmond finance managers they see plummer is showing me a website that she says proves assistant city manager leslie knight is using city resources to run a personal on-line party favors business. >>, is blowing the whistle on night filing criminal and
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civil complaint alleging misuse of public resources. >> i think you are looking at some of the products that employes would make on city time. >> the photos are now part of the investigation into these allegations. >> she says these products are packaged here at richmond city hall. >> i watched them play make these, they look like tiles and diapers for babies wrapped in this kind of stuff, i think it is amazing, but not on city time. >> this is a vacancy office space inside the human resources department and they can store some of the materials they're been sold. >> but says she was asked by knight take part in the business. >> in addition to party favors assistant city manager leslie knight also sells jewelry, i was as designed the marketing materials for jewelry business. >> and of course did you do that. >> no i as we refuse, i did
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not know it was illegal but i knew it was wrong at all. >> this is been going on to the best of your knowledge of long?. about 4 years. >> @ richmond city hall haaziq masyun. you won't take my life.
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you won't take our future. aids affects us all. even babies. chevron is working to stop mother-to-child transmission. our employees and their families are part of the fight. and we're winning. at chevron nigeria, we haven't had a reported case in 12 years. aids is strong. aids is strong. but we are stronger.
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and aids... ♪ aids is going to lose. aids is going to lose. ♪ welcome back to the kron 4 morning news. new this morning " maps have the world tt popular online maps system has returned with a release of the google maps iphone a
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pp. >> it was three months ago that the apple released its software upgrade that dumped google maps and replace it with apple maps. so many complaints with apple maps like placing landmarks and cities in the wrong places. >> issues with apple macs prompted ceo tim cook to apologize for the app. >> the new app for global maps not as good as their original one. but certainly better than the apple macs. >> from someone who has used it all thank you mark. >> he is voicing something that a lot of people have been shouting about for a while. >> it is not really a great solution. >> we will take a break. coming up on 7:15 a.m.. we will get a update on weather and traffic. an update on the san mateo bridge which has been a troublespots all along. hopefully things ♪
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secondhand smoke affects everyone's health. it's not just irritating. it can cause heart disease and even death. speak up about secondhand smoke. your health and the health of your family depend on it.
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we have a new hot spot on the peninsula. a mass on highway 101. let us take a look at the traffic map. southbound 101 between the people in holly. out of redwood city to san carlos there is an accident involving several cars. all lanes are blocked. c h p is diverting traffic at the holly street gramm. if you
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plan on using 1012 not. hot on 92 is blocked. chp is there but they have of emergency crews coming to the scene. they are stuck in traffic. the back up extends to highway 92. a problem for the peninsula. 101 south just before whipple all lanes are blocked. traffic at a complete stop. stick with highway 280280. 101 until th avoid . >> westbound 92 at the decline section of the bridge the accident has been cleared. it did not cause a back up. >> what we see now is regular slug is traffic between the peninsula and the east bay. between hayward in office it the drive time is 14 minutes. >> off the commute at the bay bridge toll plaza is not looking good. the major trouble spots. no major
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accidents or stalls but a lot of heavy traffic heading into san for this call this morning. >> the back up extends into the oakland maze on to the east shore freeway. that will be as low commute of albany. it is crawling up the incline as you work your way into san francisco. >> drive carefully give yourself extra time. traffic is jammed up. let us see how the weather is shaping up. hi erica. >> good morning robyn. a lot of people will have their heat on in the car because it is cold. from we have cloud cover above as we take it outside to our roof can downtowns in francisco. san francisco is not bad at least the start of it. 36 and concord. upper 30s in san carlos. mid '30's in livermore. in to the afternoon futurecast 4 critics by 2:00 p.m. everyone in the '50s. los mid-50s temperatures will cool down into the '40's as we head into 7:00 p.m.
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tonight. >> i do want to take a look at your afternoon highs neighbor of by neighborhood. >> the arctic cold air from the gulf of alaska is sticking around the bay. a cold front pushing its way through yesterday's. the temperature is 53 for fremont. 55 milpitas. 56 in san jose. over to the east bay. 53 for concord. 54 in danville. mainly sunny skies and the north bay it novato at 54. >> oakland one of the warmest spots at 57. ocean beach 52 degrees. >> we are a dry now. into tomorrow we have the potential to bring. >> the cold front will sag south into the bay area not too much moisture associated with the system but it may be a 10th of an inch of rain. the model shows it should hit sometime tomorrow afternoon. keep your umbrella handy as we head
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into the weekend as best we saturday night into sunday. showers exist as to start the next work week. >> that is your bay area forecast let us take a look at your snow bomb .com. the conditions sierra tahoe 69 in.. north star received 6 in. of new snow. in the past 24 hours a base of 18 to 64 in.. >> spa valley 4 in. of new snow with the bays up to 68 in.. >>--sqaw . >> the new span of the bay bridge leading caltrans officials into the middle of a pr problem. a multimillion-dollar contract with a pr firm is creating controversy after details came out over what some of the money will pay for. >> to get your news faster let's us turn our sole reporter mike pelton. >> this began when officials
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planned to promote the new span of the bay bridge slated to open next year. >> it is a massive project that once to be promoted and you want people to know. they agree to a $10 million contract with a pr firm. words pictures ideas. the problem is thousands of dollars were slated to go to tores, a video, and a commemorative book coming out of the toll payers dime. >> caltran found out the details and canceled the contract. it is unclear what they will do going forward if they will renegotiate. or if they will go with a different firm. i have called in to agency officials to try and find out their future plans. if and when we get those will bring it to you here on kron 4. back to you. >> thank you wwe will talk to you later to see what is happening. >> the investigation is underway into the accident
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you see on your screen. after a car struck by an amtrak train in the emeryville bizarre of the car apparently began struck--stockuck on the train tracks causing the crash. if your man and his vehicle parts to the collision. it happened yesterday in around 6:00. there no report of any injuries to the passengers on a train. >> new details this morning on the shooting in a mall near portland, oregon. police said the masked gunmen opened fire identified as 22 year-old jacob tell robbers appeared that act alone in the random rampage. >> we also have learned that
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roberts used a semi- automatic rifle that he stole the day before the shooting from someone he knew. robbers killed two people and with the third before he took his own life. >> investigators say roberts had a significant criminal history. >> police have arrested three people in connection with the fatal shooting of a 17 year old former football star justice afoa . he was stabbed to death two years ago near the intersection of cedar boulevard in birch st. in newark . he was a defensive lineman at newark memorial high school. daniel howard and 32 year old rafeal to var on suspicion of murder. police investigators obtained confessions from the two suspect with knowledge that the victim was their intended target. >> we are really watching
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101 south bound in redwood city. a multicar accident all lanes are blocked. that is our new hot spot we waffled details coming up next.
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welcome back to the kron 4 morning news. >> security for mcafee on thursday released a report warning that a massive cyber attack on 30 u.s. banks have
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been planned, with the goal of stealing millions of dollars from consumers' bank accounts. >> a gain of cyber criminals have developed a sophisticated trojan and that following money out of bank accounts from chase, citibank, and wells fargo, also pay pals as well as dozens of other large banks. >> known as project blitz drieg, the plan has been successfully tested on the least 300 guinea pigs a bank account in the nine stakes in the crime ring had plans to launch its attack in full force in the spring of 2013. the big banks are not commenting on anything or working to minimize the threat. >> internet software into bars pioneer john mcafee is back in the nine states this morning. mcafee arrive in miami last night after being held in immigration
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detention in guatemala. >> here is a video of him talking to reporters shortly after he landed. the 67 year old had been hiding for weeks in guatemala because authorities and police were seeking to question him about the killing of his neighbor. >> mcafee insisted he had nothing to do with his neighbors that any says he's seeking asylum in guatemala to avoid pleas prosecution. >>
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we have a hot spot on the peninsula. highway 101 not looking good because of a multi injury accident still active on the southbound side. it is between holly in with paul. let us take a look at the traffic map to it is slow in both directions. blocking all lanes of traffic several vehicles involved. several vehicles facing sideways. we
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have emergency crews on scene and making progress. now we have the two right lanes closed. we also have to lanes shut down on the holly street on rep. that is a stretched to avoid. if you're traveling between the peninsula and the south bay you can hop on highway 92 and head south. also consider using el camino rafeal. >> i will keep you updated as soon as i receive more informations for now give yourself a lot of extra time before you head out the door. if a multi vehicle accident on 101 south between holly and will blocking the two right lanes as part of the holly on rep avoided if you can erica. >> good morning robyn but us take a look at your temperatures is a chilly start the morning. but the of. a few degrees in the bottlof novato. and to the afternoon temperatures will be in the '50s and other cool day ahead of us. mainly
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sunny skies some high clouds in the distance. tonight partly cloudy conditions for temperatures will be in the '40's. as we head into tomorrow another storm, another cold front will serve drops out from the gulf of alaska. cooler weather on the way and potential for rain. i will walk you through futurecast four in my next report. >> we also have the potential for flooding as we are live in mill valley watching and waiting for the high tide rolled in this morning. >> from a parking lot that flooded yesterday's we had a keen tide which is expected to hours from now. >> we have solo reporter jackie sissel. you do not want to park here probably. >> probably not a good idea we talk about high tide. it is not just a high tide is taking the tide. it is the highest tide of the entire year. i am in a parking lot
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right off of 101. we are expecting to see that high tide roll in at around 1034. it would be a 7.2 high tide. last week it was 5.2. we will see a high, high tide. in fact the yesterday was the first day of the king tide. here is the video of this parking lot. is a low- lying area about a quarter mile away from the bay. yesterday's was extreme. you can see two-3 ft. of water here in the parking lot. i did have a chance to talk to people who are out here this morning that said i will still parked out here and they give the reasons why. >> i have been parking here for so many years. high or low tides that i do not believe i will have any issues. tomorrow may be a different day with weather on the horizon. but none for
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today. >> i am willing to take a chance. a friend of mine had a foot of water in his car one year. he is not so anxious to park here. >> and the chances are darya this shark a lot will flood. you can see the barricades warning people not to park here. the signs are everywhere. you saw the changeable message signed. this road that runs along 101 under 101 this was completely under water they closed the whole world yesterday. this parking lot was flooded up to basically where i am standing now. people are still party here. obviously this is a developing story. >> what did you say to that moment? she was looking at you like what are the odds? did you try to convince sir? >> no i did not. the warning
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signs are everywhere. there was some debris that was near her car. this debris was stacked up basically where she part. this is where the water live with yesterday. she said i'd do it all the time it should not be a problem. so there you go. >> 1033 for the kings got to come in chains. >> and develop a story we have been falling all morning for of five people accused of the death of a man found bound and gagged on san francisco's streets have pleaded not guilty to the crime. >> the fifth suspect has posted bail and will be arraigned tomorrow morning. >> here is video from yesterday's arraignment. three of the suspects have been charged with murder while the other two are charged with conspiracy and been and is as rig to the crime. >> the male victim 26 year old steven reed was visiting california from georgia. >> he arrived here in october and was planning to move to the san francisco
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area soon. >> he and a woman were found tied up in the middle of the road on the 900 block of brussels street around 8:30 p.m. sunday night. >> investigators said the suspects in custody shot read in the neck before dumping the two victims on the street. >> the female victim remains in the hospital this morning and is expected to survive. >> a san francisco police officer could be a hot water after a recent face book posting. >> sergeant carl tee wrote on this page, broadway total 100 mi. per hour in the lambo. >> this is the video of the incident that happened back in september. there are also reports that he and his friends were drunk during this high-speed jury right for the broadway tunnel in seven to scott. >> the post has since been removed from tee's page. the
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san francisco police department says this incident is under administrative investigation. >> san jose police are investigating the suspicious death of a woman. her body was found yesterday afternoon near the intersection of san for mandela and gifford streets. our cause of death has not yet been determined. >> and police decided was a homicide it would be the city's 45th yea of the year. the police department being understaffed. that is the concern. >> there is a brazen is that some people are committing crimes in broad daylight. >> san jose is searching for more officers and a new police chief officials say it is a good idea for neighbors to get to know each other and report anything suspicious until a new police staffing is in place. >> an on-line petition demanding san francisco sheriff ross mercury resign.
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ross resigned got court is looking to get 50,000 signatures on a petition. the mayor pleaded guilty foot to false imprisonment in an incident where he bruised his wife's arm. >> the mayor suspended the sheriff. the board voted not to uphold the charges. mirkarimi has repeatedly said he plans to continue serving as sheriff. >> the federal reserve decision to test to prop the economy in an effort to keep long-term interest rate at record lows. >> the fed said his today that it plans on by $45 billion in treasuries and $40 billion in mortgage- backed securities each month. >> it is the first time that
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the fed has tight interest rates to unemployment, say they will keep the fed interest rate near 0. until u.s. employment drops below 6.5%. -that the unemployment rate drops below 6.5%. right now is at 7.7%. >> thank you marc. 7:38 a.m.. we will be back with more in a couple of minutes. this is 101 in san as a this is a bad spot. traffic is moving ok. plenty of sunshine looking misleading because it is cold. >> new year's eve is coming up and you can spend it with kron 4. we have our new year's eve live party starting at 1130.
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this is just in to kron 4 we're getting more than two schools of cupertino or close to death for some sort of campus rep on campus. >> mocked as a high-school and kennedy middle school are the ones closed today. >> we have a call into cupertino police and have a crew headed to the scene to bring you more informations right now, all we know is to schools and cupertino are closed this morning after a threat on campus. >> monte vista high income and the middle school because of some kind of threat or closed. we will bring you more information as soon as we get into kron 4. >> will follow the story and be right back as the kron 4 morning news continues. >>
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good morning and thank you for waking up with the kron 4 morning news. 7:45 a.m. on the clock. we have cloudy conditions that is not the big story. everyone is waiting up to cool weather. 44 in san francisco. lower forties' in san jose. contended with the third is for concord, livermore. right around freezing for places like novato and santa rosa. >> we are dealing with pretty chilly conditions we will see mainly sunny skies mid-50s for mountain view, del, a santa clara. to the east bay again a lot of cool
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air associated with the cold front that pushed through yesterday. off that will find its place in the bay area walnut creek climb to 54. 53 in alameda. to the north bay low 50s here. 54 for san francisco in daly city coming in at 52. >> futurecast 4 is highlighting the impacting rain. as we head into tomorrow another front will drop down south from the gulf of alaska. this is a quick moving system not a lot of moisture associated with it. we will continue to have cool air streaming into the bay area and maybe a 10th of an inch of rain. >> keep your umbrella handy as we head into the afternoon. >> your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast shows the rain is here to stay into the weekend and as we start the next work week. 7:46 a.m. that is your weather here is traffic with robyn. >> thank you erica several hot spots outside. let us start off with a look at your ride of the peninsula and accident that is still active on highway 101 south
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bound. this is south 101 after holly just before whistle. it was blocking all lanes of traffic several vehicles involved. if that- whipple. a holly on rep still partially blocked. if you are traveling on 101 beacon it throughout the bloc on the freeway. the back up is crawling. back up through san mateo stretches towards popular. you can hop over to highway 280 and heads out that will give you to the south bay faster. if you're coming out of the source south bay heading north bounds still contend with traffic. >> avoid 101 if you can. >> a. new trouble spot a crash in richmond an overturned accident on westbound 580. this is the portion of 580 between the east shore freeway and the richmond san raphael bridge. and then flipped over
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blocking the two lanes of traffic. if you can on h plan on heading westbound lanes blocked. >> we have had no major problems no major accidents and a lot of people getting into sentences go this morning. give yourself plenty of times before you get out the door. >>--into san francisco. >> >> admitted gary we talked yesterday said this would be a big win. the heat and lebraun. what are the odds. >> i cannot remember since 2007 when they won the playoff series against dallas and more impressive when the last night when you beat the world champs on the road. that is pretty darn good pr. >> unbelievable! the rookie
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in the last active.second secon. >> you may have to go back to the early '90s when the services of 49ers are good. the oakland a's or good, and the khmer giants were goodthe giants were good. >> >> with the exception of the raiders all the major teams are playing good. >> it is incredible. it was a huge an amazing man. we continue with seven road games this is when no. 5 on the road. everyone is on the edge of their seats for the 49 his game. they are amazingly good this a huge game for them. >> i was halfway saying yesterday's when you go if
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i'm ever going to get home from early to watch basketball yesterday was it. >> sunday night will be the highest rate is not a playoff game in years. >> 0 yes. everyone will be on the edge of their seats watching the 49ers and the patriots. not enough people will be on the edge of their seats for the raiders as usual. i went to the website they are doing the 241.241 tickets.two for one tickets. >> the chargers are trying something new for their game because no one is going to see them. they have a group on thdeal deal.
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>> it is no secret to the nfl has a very few problems attracting interest. the experience at home is so great it is televised. you can watch on that channel we talked about. you can watch every game i will say this bluntly why even if you're a gambler why would you go to the stadium and sit next to a guy dumping beer on you some rude guys screaming around your children profanities if you to stay home and watch it. >> use a rout. this is the root of the route i've only seen this in a movie. where a guy or girl are on a date dig up it goes the bathroom and never come back. this
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tiny tomerville takes the cake. >>--tommy tomerville . >> he is talking to a potential recruit finds out he could get the job in cincinnati and does not come back. he leads a 17 year old kid sitting there. it was so bad i could not believe it. >> he is the got slapped an assistant. where did they leave last time when he said they had taken out in a pine box. >> has see a minute to any of this? >> he said that saturday morning was the first time he ever talked with cincinnati on that very day. he went to cincinnati. >> that is the trouble i wonder why it you said were the biggest liars in sports something about college
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football. i guess because you have to like to so many people. the approach you know what your job is you win games and that is it. college you have to pretend you are interested in education. you have to pretend you are going to a cocktail party with the university president and his wife. you have to be full of it into many areas. >> sit through their next time that is all i have to say. >> that may be the all-time man with a jerk as commission. >> thank you gary.
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welcome back. it is 7:56 a.m. we will be back in a couple of minutes at the top of the 8:00 hour we have been stories we're following. two schools of cupertino close here if we are live at the scene we have sky seven h d we will have an update in the next hour. a new call for
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severance is co-chair of ross mirkarimi to resign from office. we will tell you what a group is doing to get him out. >> san francisco will see the highest tide of 2012 we will tell you when the king tide of ride. we will be right back--king tiides arrive
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(male announcer): live from the bay area this is the kron 4 morning news. kron 4 news starts now. with breaking news. >> we began this morning with breaking news out of cupertino getting word that one school is currently closed after some sort of threat on campus. we are bringing you aerial shot you can see police at least for that particular car in route to the school. we are talking about mocked of vista high school in cupertino. it was close this morning because of a threat on campus. -- ontmonte
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vista. there was some graffiti on a school wall that indicated there may be possibly a bomb threat at the monte vista school. >> their on-site to-that the bombs what is on site. the union high school district is actually the school district that contacted mocked the vistmonte vista . >> continue as always also said to be shut down but they have not been affected. so far it is monte vista on mcclellan road. we have road leading to a high school block in all directions attention to keep everyone far back. so this is that the
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ignittechnician can go in and check the bomb. >> officials will let parents know when schools will be open. it is right now shut down. there is no one on campus. felipolice in cupertino are keeping people well that while they conduct their search. >> at this point a threat has been made in graffiti on the monte vista terrace is regarding student at the monte vista high school. >> we have heard no indication that this is legitimate but they are going to the process of clearing the campus room by room. we will let you know we did more informations. >> here traffic center with robins a major hot spots. and early one fatal accident on san mateo bridge has cleared. problems of one the one in redwood city.
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>> right between whipple a and holly it has just cleared five minutes ago. traffic of 1 01 is still jammed in both directions. several calls have blocked all lanes of traffic at one point. this is the south bound ride try to get out of san mateo into redwood city. the long stretch of red which means traffic is moving less than 25 mi. per hour as we head south. the northbound side not so bad getting to redwood city. if you are coming out of the stock basouth bay traffic backep to mountain view at highway 37. before you get out the door. 101 recovering from the accident between holly and whipple . the good news is always open but slow traffic. but us take a look at your weather erica. >> good morning robyn is a cold start to the morning if that freezing for santa rosa, novato. 33 in vallejo.
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the bottle up turn the heat and keep on throughout the day your afternoon highs are climbing to 50. a lot of cool air in the bay area that associated with the cold front past three yesterday's. we will see mainly sunny skies however, chilly conditions will persist into the evening hours. a quick look at your afternoon highs. most locations will sit in the mid '50s. i will bring down the numbers to show you futurecast for coming up in my next report. >> thank you erica we are a couple of hours away from the king tight are writing. that could mean some cars get flooded. a parking lot in mill valley was flooded yesterday. people are still parking their ticket to more newsletters for to jackie sissel our solo reporter. >> what is wrong with the specter doarya. they have the signs warning people there is no parking. some poles remain from yesterday's. they have other
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signs a changeable method sign. it will flood to day like yesterday because of the king tide. let us take a look at the video. what this parking lot looked like yesterday. was under 2-3 few water. today it will reversbe worse. it is considered the largest side of the year. yesterday we were at 7.1 today at 7.2 is supposed to get worse. people continue to park in this parking lot this morning even though they have been warned i asked them an important question why? not really. we parker for a long time we are a group of teachers that commute to the city we have not had problems until this point. i am hoping my car will be here. >> it might be here. >> it might be flooded. >> the warning sign to not
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bother you? >> no. we have been here a lot. i have thought about it. obviously we are still party here today. >> she thought about it. we have got seen anything yet. the tight side is supposed to be at its peak at 10:34 a.m.. we still have time. as i said these people are driving around the barricades to park their cars. >> the barricades to block the entrance today? >> part of this parking lot is above it is kind of elevated. it is higher ground up here that it is down there. that specifically block off this area down below. , obviously it has not stopped people from parking. >> reserved parking is how they say it. >> thank you jackie. >> the sthe stories were
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falling governor jerry brown is being treated for prostate cancer. >> the governor's office released a statement confirming his condition yesterday. >> the 74 year old is undergoing radiation treatment. >> doctors at the university of california san francisco said the cancers in its early stages and is being treated short course of in the vast as conventional radiotherapy. governor brown's doctors call his prognosis excellent. >> the time is a 06 a.m.. we will follow a developing story that is a threat to a school in cupertino. cupertino's monte vista high school. that threat is being
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investigated and we will come back with more in a few minutes [ female announcer ] this is a special message from at&t.
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[ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up. [ female announcer ] but we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on, for two whole years. from at&t. [ female announcer ] a great price for a great triple-play bundle. [ male announcer ] call now. bundles with u-verse tv, internet and home phone start at $89 a month. now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] switch today and get a total home dvr included, free for life. [ male announcer ] you get reliable, high speed internet on our advanced digital network. choose from speeds up to 24 megs.
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[ female announcer ] and with u-verse tv you can record four shows at once on your total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ male announcer ] so call now. u-verse triple-play bundles start at $89 a month. now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] with a total home dvr included, free for life. [ male announcer ] it's a triple-play bundle that's hard to beat. same great price. two whole years. price promise. [ female announcer ] that has a nice ring to it. [ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪ we are back again with an update on some breaking news. in cupertino where we have a partnership with a nc-17 in sky 7 ht like aerial pictures all over monte vista high school. the camp is a shutdown because of a threat. the nature of the threat is uncertain although we do have reports that the bomb squad with the san mateo county sheriff's department is on scene. that may give us a hint as to
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what they are looking for. we are also getting word in the last five minutes that lincoln elementary is shut down. that campus is in a different school district what it is a choice of two monte vista high schools. it may be shut down because of the proximity to the high school. >> never report that high school in the south bay found on the walls some graffiti that had some threatening statements regarding themonte vista high school indicating some sort of threat. they contacted monte vista high and let them know what they saw on their school. the word from the chair to park and they're taking this threat seriously. that is why the bombs what is there. they are methodically going to the campus room by room clearing it and making sure there are no explosive devices if that is what they're looking for. >> the aerial shots show you
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the command center set up in the parking lot of that high school. all the streets leading to it monte vista i have been shut down. students, teachers, faculty are being turned away because no one can get near the campus. >> here you can see what we are talking about police are detouring and working their way around campus. that is the latest information. lincoln elementary included in the list them a real the class. at this point they are shut down indefinitely. mark. >> new this morning gogle maps return to the iphone. >> the world's most popular online maps system has returned with release of the bugoogle maps iphone ap. p >> it was three months ago that the apple released and
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iphone software update. that dumped google maps, and replaced it with apple maps. which is been planned--and as accurate. >> in fact, issues with apples that prompted ceo tim cook to apologize for the app and someone--some iphone users never installed the software google maps. you can now download the new rule that at on the iphone store. but did not expect the google maps app you had before. as been completely revamped it does have turn by turn navigation but does not have st. you. >> of kron 4
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we are backed falling brick news. a threat regarding the campus of monte vista high school has forced police to shut the campus down. this the cabbage and see it is expensive. at this point the bombs what is on scene. they are going through the campus dorm room. what prompted all of this. earlier this morning we had word from a school official in the south bay that and on named high school said they found graffiti on their walls which explicitly announced it of some sort on the monte vista this. they call the school and told of what they saw on their walls. the school has called police entire campus has been shut down and the police are going wrong my room to identify if there is a legitimat legitimacy to this tr >> the school is trying to call all the students and
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their families as they do not come to school. classes' are suspended for now. for the foreseeable future they have no idea when they resume classes' if at all today. >> we're staying for the latest. monte vista is not the only cap is impacted. lincoln elementary is in a different school district what is rather altamonte vista higclose tomonte istamont >> and go back to the studio with more. >> the school is to the west of 85 as a james mentioned the schools are ejected to each other. that is why lincoln elementary shutdown. mcclellan running right in front mcclellan has police activity on it is cautionary. a large campus
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on monte vista as james mentioned. the airborn mount toa high school is the shutdown --monte vstista as well as lincoln elementary because of the close proximity. >> it is cold out there we have not had much of the warm-up. sky conditions are better the sky is starting to brighten. there's nothing the sunshine for most of the bay area. it is the freezing however, for santa rosa, novato. temperatures are too warm. 41 in antioch. 534 vallejo. to be germane to the calls i trend this thing into the afternoon. mountain view 55.
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53 for fremont. mid-50s for san jose's evergreen. similar conditions in the east bay. 53 for fairfield. 54 in pleasanton. will see sunny conditions in the north bay downtown your afternoon high as 54. let us take a look at the bigger weather story of a cold front will drop down from the gulf of alaska. not producing too much moisture. into tomorrow afternoon we will encounter showers in the bay area. not a lot. it is a quick moving system than a 10th of an inch of rain. you will need to use your umbrella and keep it handy as we head into the weekend. monday and tuesday with see more shower activity around the bay area. i have been looking at extended model. thursday could be rainmaker. >> we will continue with shower activity not only
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this weekend and next weekend as well. >> said he erica. several hot spots outside your door. this time around will get out to richmond. we have an overturned accident that is active on highway 580. look at the traffic map is 580 west or a van flipped over blocking the two left lanes of traffic. someone was trapped inside at one point. you have emergency crews on scene working to up bright and clear the ban. traffic is blocked in both directions by the east and west bound. 80 in san raphael bridge you want to give yourself an extra time. your commute on the nimitz is jammed solid because of an earlier accident and fremont. canalways open. this is to 38 in san leandro. the accident was in fremont. that let you know how far the slowing in spirit plan
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on using the nimitz heading into the south bay give yourself extra time. >> we had a hot spot on the peninsula between redwood city and san carlos. the crash on southbound on the one clear 30 minutes ago. the commute is still crawling out of san mateo tried to get into redwood city in the opposite direction heading out of mountain view approaching highway 84. if you're thinking about using to 80 is an alternate we have to earlier accidents 1 south 7 to stock and one in san bruno bolt on the southbound side both out of the way. it is crawling out of south san francisco into san bruno. not a good alternate several trouble spots. drive carefully and leave early. >> thank you robyn multimillion-dollar contracts around the promotion of the construction of the new eastern span of the bay bridge has been cancelled. >> officials had agreed to pay nearly $10 million to a severance is go based pr firm to conduct stores and produce a video and commemorative book of the bridge work. the multimillion-dollar
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contract was approved by the state department of general services in september. >> however, the contract since been canceled after it came like to local journalists. >> questions that for answers inside a shooting in portland oregon. the motive remains a mystery. we know a lot more about the victims'. >> always gave me stuff and everybody else. >> this is the stepson of 54 year-old cindy yule she was killed when shots rang out. >> a co-worker find it difficult to make sense of this senseless tragedy. >> cindy was an amazing hospice nurse. she lived her life helping other people transition to the end of life. for family never got to say goodbye. >> he was a wonderful man. >> different and colleague of a man killed describe him as a loving husband and father of two. >> our family is hurting
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from losing a great person our heart goes out to his wife and two children. >> we're learning more about the mandatory say ambushed shoppers. jacob roberts or a hockey mask during the rampage. the expected shooter's family expressed shocking grief on wednesday. >> she is so soaring budget did. it is so out of his character. >> she is so sorry what jake did. >> he stole a rifle from a friend and a rifle that the jet that one point. >> it could have been much worse. >> a 15 year old girl is listelisted in stable condition at she suffered a bullet wound to the chest. >> falling and breaking news out of south bay. mount save
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thinta vista high school in fremont union district is currently closed as police and this is some sort of bread on campus also lincoln elementary school in the cupertino union school does elementary schoolhey, look! a shooting star! make a wish! i wish we could lie here forever. i wish this test drive was over, so we could head back to the dealership. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. test drive! but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today.
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we are back again. we can show you some of the video of the actual campus of monte vista high school because of a threat made to either unemployed or to the campus itself is shut down.
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we are still try to sort out the details. what we know is the campus the shutdown costs are canceled. for parents and teachers and students are being turned away. traffic leading to the high school or past is blocked off. people are being rerouted and here you can see in this video we have cupertino police on scene. we have said to clear county sheriff's office on scene. >> leading up to this we have reports from another school that was graffiti on that school again other south bay school we're trying to identify. based on what they read on the walls of the school in the form of graffiti the contact officials monte vista high school contacted police and brought in the bomb squad. be >> the bombs what is going to confirm if there is any validity to the threat. >> also lincoln elementary the roads to the school had been blocked off and the school is closed as well.
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>> this is really out a precaution no present been made to the elements for school. because it is adjacent to monte vista school it has been shut down. >> it is an expensive campus wilit will take a while to methodically go through every room. >> we are following this story no reports of anyone being injured. >> with a quick return back on the other side with more of dates. again we are still following the story on line go to our web site also our face book page
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we're back again following the latest out of the south bay. were we have been cupertino monta vista high
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school shut down. there was a threat made against the school this morning. we're sorting through how it came to be. >> we are part in with sky seven h d. they're giving us a great benefit we have video from the ground. we will bring you up to speed over the course of this morning. it will show of work and school this morning and they were abruptly turned away. we are talking about monta vista high school. >> early in the morning at a difference: the south bay teachers and faculty there saw graffiti on the wall which indicated some sort of threat. that threat would take place at monte vista high this morning. we have cupertino police on scene and the santa clausanta clara county sheriff harvey. also the bomb squad is on scene and we presume they're going for the cameras a room by room tried to rule out any validity to the threat.
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apparently was incredibly enough that they're taking it seriously. that is what the santa clara county's here to form the same. what they have shut down not only by school but also neighboring lincoln elementary school which is just across the street from monta vist hia . they have shut the school down for the safety of the students faculty in paris that may be driving in. >> class seven council today in remain canceled a lease for the for cybill future until the best of their mind clear how any validity of this trip. >> we're following this for you this morning will be back in the newsroom with updates as they continue to cut it off. they're coming in piece by piece. we will let you know find out something different for now monta vista has will shut down. >> at 8:30 a.m. we want to get an update with robyn and traffic center. >> traffic in both
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directions of highway 580 a van flipped over. the crash was cleared 50 minutes ago. we have slow traffic in both directions. the accident happened right about here. the commute is jammed up in both directions. westbound 580 getting through richmond. if your plan on using the richmond san raphael bridge it will be slow heading towards 80. give yourself exit signs it is slow in all directions. we have hot spots all round the bay area. your commute coming out of san jose that is slow. heavy always a mountain view. we had an early accident on the peninsula between redwood city and san carlos. if both directions jammed up on the peninsula side of 01. keep that in mind if you're headed to the airport as a south bay. give yourself a lot of extra time before you head out the door. >> good morning robyn to again look at temperatures
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still around freezing for some of our north bay spots. san francisco mid '40's. 46 and oakland. we have made an improvement there. we did encounter frost earlier. mainly clear skies the sunshine will continue into the afternoon with temperatures in the '50s. later tonight w will see more in the way of cloud cover. it is tomorrow and other cold front will drop from the gulf of alaska. not too much moisture however, we do have a chance for showers. i walk into futurecast four in a bit. >> we are a couple of hours of the king tied in mill valley. some drivers are ignoring the signs that say we could see more flooding and we see flooding here left over from yesterday's. we will give you more news on that with our solo reporter jackie sissel. what is the story jacket? >> we are seeing water accumulate 5 piquancy a car coming into the parking lot. the barricades are up in the
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warning signs are up. obviously if i stand over here you can see a sign saying subject to flooding and next it is a car parked there. here are some caltran guys out here in people taking pictures say in two hours this will be under water. they're trying to let people know this is not the place to park this morning. you see all kinds of cars due to the king tied we have talked about for the last couple of days. today is the highest tide of the entire year. in fact let us look at the video from yesterday's and see what it looked like at this parking lot right off of 101 in mill valley. two-to feed and water out here. they expect to see much in the same seen out here today if not worse. as i said i was talking to caltran guys who said it will get worse than it was as today. i've talked to people that continue to park here and ask them why. >> well i have been parking here for so many years. high tide, low tide that i do not
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believe i will have issues. tomorrow may be a different date with weather on the horizon with rain predicted. but not for today. >> you will take a chance. >> yes i'm willing to take a chance. a friend of mine had a foot of water in his car one year he is not so anxious to park here part of that. >> so the people i have talked to earlier basically were shaking their heads because you have to go through those barricades and then come over here to park basically right in front a sign that says subject to flooding. >> they were taking pictures with their phones saying it would make it interesting before and after picture. they say it is coming to repeat feet of water.wo or 3 ft >> i understand that-let us
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bring you up to speed of a breaking news story were falling more information regarding the closure of months of this to high school because of a threat made to the campus early this morning. we had graffiti found on the wall of a different school that a threat toward monta vista school we know it was coming from linda brook higynnbrook hie threat was toward a milk teacher at monte vista high school in said it will be a bomb on the campus today. officials at lynbrook, to this i school that vince bart police to come in from cupertino police department from the shares to borden santa clara county. we understand there is a bomb squad on scene and they are going through looking through to see if there are
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any devices at all. >> we know the roads are expected to be closed for another three-four hours. law enforcement officials are on the scene. a neighboring school lincoln elementary school is also shut down because of its proximity to the high school. that is the latest from cupertino as we get more information will come back and update you. we have to take a quick break the time is a 30 7:00 a.m. would not more headlines in a minute. >>--8:37 a.m.. we will be back with more headlines in a
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welcome back to the kron 4 morning news. those commercials may be a little bit lower. >> starting today, blaring commercials that are much lighter than the show you are watching our banned. >> the federal communication commission barred the practice say ads must be maintained the same average volume as the programs they accompany. >> allow commercial seven leading source complaints to the fcc says its customers- stashed its consumer costs and to begin reporting top complaint in 2002. american airlines is changing the way it charges passenger to fly. >> the airline says it is going to charge 68 to $88 more per roundtrip for economy class passengers who want to check baggage or change their reservation later without getting hit by another feat.
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>> and american says this will eliminate fears about what ifs. the airlines will still sell a basic fare without protection against at on fees. >> the new ticket can be purchased online for travel agents nationwide. >> toys r us plaza sailed around the clock in the days for christmas. >> the follothis follows macy's announcing its plans to stay open 24-7 leading up to christmas. >> this is the third straight year towards are a stores will remain open from 6:00 a.m. to december 31st until 10:00 p.m. on christmas eve. >> their store in times square new york city which you see in this video had been open 24-7 since december 2nd. >> there was a threat made to a school in my to vista as specifically 8 meltage there. we will get more information coming umonta vistae
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threat was made to a milk teacher at the school we will have more as we get more information coming up.
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we're back of update on our breaking news out of the south bay when the campus of mocked of is the high school shutdown. police and the bombs what are on the scene looking for the campus to make sure everything is fine. there was a threat this morning against a high school. the threat originated at another stop a school when brooke high- school. ministers there found graffiti on the wall of their building that- lynbrook . the graffiti specifically named a male teacher at the high school. lynbrook called police and the polithe school and school cl police. >> class seven canceled, and our rain canceled four of the civil future. we have no word if they have found anything on campus. the search is on going will let
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you know if we find out anything more with more of it from the newsroom. >> thank you james at a 40 5:00 a.m. will get an update on the cool weather is chilly. >>8:45. >> from our face the camera that is downtown san francisco here we have made some improvement in novato at 36 degrees. third is for fairfield, for pier 42 in any of spirit as it took a look at your afternoon highs will make it into the 50s. remember, we had a cold front that pushed for yesterday. a lot of the cool air from the gulf of alaska has settled into the bay area. for temperatures will not be warmer in fact, oakland will be the warmest spots at 57 degrees. 53 for fairfield in vallejo. sunnyvale at 55. to us what you futurecast 4. a.m. tomorrow we will be dry and increase in cloud cover. and of a cold front will push
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its way through later that afternoon. not too much moisture associated with the system. keep your umbrella handing this is going to be a quick mover. >> your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast shows rain into the weekend and shower activity as we start the next work week. we have unsettled weather here in the bay area as we take a look at your to obama .com. checking out the conditions in the sierra. we do have some snow. new snow in the past 44 hours tent is to be exact. at tahoe a base of 20 to 69 in.. north star received 6 in. of new powder. a base of 18-64 in.. last the sqwaw 4 in. of snow. 64 to 68 in.. >> we have had several hot spots this morning including the bay bridge. traffic is still having
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getting into some of his cult not because bac major accidents san francisco. westbound out of richmond getting into oakland for the toll plaza there's more heavy traffic waiting up the incline. if you plan on heading into several cisco leave early or consider bart. that will save you time. avoid the bay bridge is heavy. >> your ride on 92 is doing fine there was a fatal accident this morning the right lane was blocked that is gone. it did not block of traffic. overall it was a good commute on 92 between hayward and foster city. the drive time is of minutes that is a good ride. >> the ride 101 doing fine across golden gate bridge. southdown getting it doesn't this go if you're coming from the north bay it will see heavy traffic south 101. starting in the bottle that is slow from 37 heading to san raphael. we have a
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heavier--starting in to novato slow from 37. the nimitz freeway is stretched to avoid it is crawling. northbound traffic is heavy coming out of san leandro. for the coliseum into downtown oakland, southbound traffic try to recover fremont. it's tough ride on the nimitz slow traffic all round the bay area. keep that in mind for ya out the door. mar. >> thank you robyn the warriors are giving basketball fans in the bay area something to be excited about. currently on a seven game road trip, the warriors were in south beach last night taking on the reigning champs, the miami heat. >> with seconds left on the clock, jarrett jack paar dribbled the ball at the top of the key in found d
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raymomd green open underneath the basket for an alley-oop layup, given the warriors 97-95 win over miami. >> the warriors are perfect on their road trip, winning five in a row and are 12 and 3 in the last 15 games theory >> if the had only lost one game at home this season. workers are in a land of taking on the magic on night. >> outfielder andres torres is returning to the giants, regeneron and on one-year contract. thorez still must pass a physical to finalize a deal. torres and the to that of season with your crestfallen three years with giants. >> he is to under 30 this year three home runs, 35 rbis and 13 stolen bases and 1 1/3 to dance. >> the gemind we're showers
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will light up skies tonight. the showers on one of the two biggest showers of the year. second, new meteor shower could happen at the same time. the meteor showers and start just after sunset tonight continue until dawn tomorrow. >> the california public utilities commission has started a process that would at a new area code in the cards-415 area codes on. the commission is considering adding 628 area code because of all the available for 15 area code will be taken by october 2015. the 415 area code is currently uses ever cisco most of marin county and parts of san mateo county. >> the c p u c says the new area code must be introduced at least six of for the existing 415 code uses all the prefixes. >> you can stay home and
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join new year's eve with us. kron 4 we have the new year's live show the party starts at 730 till 1130. >>
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on 13230 has not training only amaral and sinn a tacit rainbo
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we are an hour away from dr. phil which airs at 10:00 after the kron 4 morning news. do not miss that we will be right back as we keep our eye on the weather and traffic. >> it is literally freezing this morning in some spots. it will stay that way pretty cool as you can see until the weekend. we stay cool and have the chance of rain. >> this morning live during the 5:00 hour the nominations announced for the 70th annual golden globe awards. lincoln leads the pack with 7 not. including best drama, best director and nominations for daniel
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day-lewis, sally field and tommy lee jones. >> our goal and django unchained tie for second place with five nominees each. >> other best drama nominees are life dramapi . and the zero dark 30. >> the global howill be held on jared 13th with withfey and annie poehler hosting. >> we will continue as we following a developing story from the newsroom. we're getting new information and as we speak i will share that with you coming back a press release coming in from the santa clara county sheriff's office department. where they have had a breakdown of how this started. we are talking about the closure of montea vista school. we have a bomb
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squad on sing i will walk you through what we're here for the shares department. >> if also an elementary school has been shut down we will explain why and how that relates to the threat at monte vista high. again on the other side of this commercial break stay with us will be back with the latest details
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(male announcer) live from the bay area here is your kron 4 news >> following our breaking news story out of the south bay. we're getting word that two schools in cupertino are closed after some sort of threat on campus. months of this the high-school and lincoln elementary are closed right now. lincoln is across the street from months of the sky-hig monta vi'e
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going room to room checking for the possibility of a bomb. earlier today police were investigating an incident at lynbrook high school. in the process of investigating that the cam across graffiti. it was rather violent in nature, it made direct threats toward one of male teacher at monte vista high school. it also said there was a bomb at the school. they contacted police in cupertino who called in santa clara county sheriff's department bomb squad. they are going through the process which could take anywhere from three to four hours. a press release from the santa clara police department says " specialized bomb detection gate heights from the santa clara county sheriff's office as well as canines from allied agencies are performing a thorough
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check of the campus at the high school for any possible an explosive device. classes have been cancelled and traffic is being rerouted. they're trying to get word to the parents so they are getting stuck in the d tors. class has been canceled indefinitely. they're trying to discover whether not that threat had any credibility. >> we have several hot spots around the bay area this morning. >> the bay bridge toll plaza is still jammed up. it has been slow for several hours this morning. no middle troublespots or accidents but a lot of folks headed into the city. is a hot spot because the drive time is still up. you are backed up into the maze in the east shore. give yourself lots of
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extra time to get to the city. we have slow traffic throughout the bay area because of several earlier hot spots. i will have a full traffic check coming up in just a bit. >> it is so cold out there and we have some spot particularly in the north bay still sitting in the upper 30's. 37 of the door in santa rosa and fairfield we have not seen much improvement at all. it is hovering around the freezing mark. low '40's for vallejo and concord. livermore is coming in at 38 degrees. and the afternoon, and mainly sunny skies but temperatures are only climb into the mid '50s. tomorrow light rain is a possibility as another cold front pushes through. this weekend, get your umbrella out because another storm saturday night into sunday. i will walk you through future cast four and have a look at your next workweek forecast coming up in my next report.
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>> 9 of 2:00 a.m. and a flat tire was likely to cause the fatal crash on the salmon sale bridge earlier this morning. a multivocal crash happened after 330 this morning at the west end of the bridge. one person and one of the cars was pronounced dead at the scene around 4:00. the accident but the far right lake of westbound traffic. the stay was cleared just before 6:00. -- seen >> let's go to meld valley where we're watching the high tide expected to roll in later this morning. >> they call it a king tide in the water is already starting to collect any parking lot off of 1 01. i have been out here all morning long and for most of the morning it was almost completely dry. you see the puck all right there? this is what look like a couple
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of minutes ago. the nearly five minutes ago bats with that bottle look like. it is now partially covering the entire insurance. -- and treentrance this area is clearly marked not to park in the area. one car went around the barricade and parked right in front assigned. according to some of the people from caltrans that are out here they expect that card to be under water before the day is out. the king tide they are talking about is the highest tide of the entire year. yesterday we had a 7.1 tide and today we except expect to see a 7.2 tide. this part and i was under water yesterday and we ask the people out here if they were afraid. >> not really. we have
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parked here for a long time. we are a group of teachers and commute to the city and we have not had problems. i am hoping my car will be here when i get back. it might be flooded (laughter) >> the warning signs don't bother you? >> a note. i guess not, we are still parking here today. >> i would guess somewhere in the next hour or so we will see this water start to accumulate out here. it will probably last until about noon if not longer. you can see the water is coming up and it's coming up quick. >> we will probably see this flooded out again tomorrow. things will clear about and people don't need to commute for the weekend but be
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careful for today and tomorrow. >> the mayor jerry brown is being treated for prostate cancer. the governor's office released a statement confirming his condition yesterday. the 74 year-old doctor is undergoing radiation treatment. doctors at the university of california's san francisco said the cancer is in its early stages and is being started with a short course of conventional radiotherapy. governor brown's doctors call his front five houses excellent. the airlin t traffic is a little sluggish around 580. we will be right back. [ male announcer ] if you're ready to get more from your tv service,
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now's a great time to get at&t u-verse tv. make the switch. [ female announcer ] call now to get at&t u-verse tv for only $29 a month for 6 months, with a total home dvr included free for life. plus, add hbo and cinemax and get the first three months free. [ male announcer ] with u-verse tv, you can record four shows at once with the total home dvr that lets you play back, pause, or rewind your shows from any room. get over 170 hd channels. that's more than cable. [ female announcer ] call now to get at&t u-verse tv for only $29 a month for 6 months, with a total home dvr included free for life. plus, add hbo and cinemax,
9:09 am
and get the first three months free. [ male announcer ] and now, exclusively from at&t, our wireless receiver lets you move your tv where you want around the house, even outside. so you're no longer tied to the tv outlet. [ female announcer ] at&t u-verse. tv like you've never seen before. ♪
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>> breaking as out of the south bay this morning where it has close to schools in cupertino. monte vista high school at lincoln elementary school are closed today as authorities investigate. this is video where it's all happening. classes are cancelled at both schools. this threat originated at lynbrook high school which is in san jose. police were there earlier this morning investigating a vandalism incident when the cam across graffiti making specific threats towards a male teacher at monte vista high school. it also said there was a bomb on the campus. san jose police contacted cupertino police and classes were immediately cancelled. what a leading to the schools have been closed off and the doors are in place. bomb sniffing dogs are searching the campus room by room. it could take upwards of three hours.
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class is cancelled for today, will they be resume tomorrow? we will let you know as soon as that information comes into the newsroom. >> new this morning house speaker john banner says the white house is risking pushing the country of the fiscal cliff. he says president obama refusal to control spending is why talks keep failing. house minority leaves that leader nancy pelosi is also speaking out today on the issue. should criticize republican house leaders for sending lawmakers home today instead of staying in washington to work on an agreement. wide-ranging tax increases and spending cuts will take effect last next month at a solution is not reached. >> home repossessions rose to nine multi november even as the number of homes started on the path to foreclosure declined and the lowest level in six years. reality track's said banks completed foreclosure on over 59,000 homes last month. as a and 11% increase
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from october and up 5% from november last year. the number of homes entering the foreclosure process process sank to about 77,500. that's the lowest number foreclosures since december 2006. >> rob black will be talking about winners and losers on wall street. the approach the bay bridge has been an easy commute with lots of sunshine. we will be right back.
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>> watching today's winners and losers on wall street we will start with the fed robin. fed tide rates of joblessness with a target of 6.5% >> at as a group charged in theory with regulating inflation. they lower the cost of money when there is no inflation. their target is 2 1/2% on inflation. yesterday they said we will raise interest rates when the employee unemployment number reaches 6 1/2%. i wanted to get that right. what is interesting about that is companies can borrow money cheaper but that does not mean people will go out and spend money. they said we will go into a recession if and this is a pretty big if they did not get together and come to a deal
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to avert civil tax increases next year. >> global maps is now back on the iphone. is a winner but i think it's a loser. >> someone more influential denmarthan mark david ho is gushing this morning. all of the directions are in there. look earth is baked and. it is a simple, slick design. apple is getting a little bit of a smack down. the thing they did not like it was the ipad version is just an iphone version. you cannot download apps like you can with doable. >> the event we will see a working version of it in the new feature? >> i'm going to go on record
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and say by tom-tom. >> solar city is a loser today. >> you and i will have to disagree it opened at $9 and a quarter. it is >> it is up to about 11 right now. >> basically the install solar panels. it is a part plumber that is publicly traded. they had $103 million of revenue for the first nine months this year. they lost $78 million. this is a company that - yes i like solar but oil is becoming the no. 1 producer in the world. >> another winner is yahoo.
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they have certainly been in the news a lot lately. >> i think mercy meyer, i wish they had more female ceos. they are changing their board, it is not definitive. out goes david kenney it is a commitment that they will continue to try to come up with technology tide towards the low. meyer is focused on the e-mail because they want to be a mobile company cannot be a search internet company anymore. >> will we see a guy who phone? -- yahoo >> these people put in a big
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bid for antioch who and microsoft comes out with a phone next year. do we ever see a facebook song? that has been rumored. >> 98 scene and let's take a look at the weather. >> we are seeing plenty of sunshine and taking an outside live to the james lick freeway camera. a clear starts of the morning but also a cold one. 364 nevado 33 in fairfield so no longer at or below freezing. it is the cool weather will before is out the door in san francisco 37 and pleasanton at an afternoon high as mid to upper 50s. another cold day on tap. this is cool are to hear that question from the gulf of alaska with yesterday's cold front. future cast four shows and other system had our way into friday. light rain into the afternoon hours. this will be a quick mover, not
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much moisture associated with this system. 7 day around the bay shows a couple of things. tomorrow light rain may be a 10th of an inch. saturday afternoon into early sunday more rain headed our way. more moisture associated with the next system. the next work week has the potential for some showers, possibly heavy on tuesday morning. we continue with that chance as we head into wednesday. unsettled weather is ahead of us. temperatures will continue to be in the 30's. cool mornings at of us and cool afternoons as well. bundle up the extended model shows more rain is on the way. >> i knew how i coming in for the east bay. 680 on the northbound side headed through san ramon. a van crashed into the center divider and flipped over.
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the left lane as locked and the ride is backing up on both sides of highway 680 northbound and southbound. a slow commute between san ramon and dublin. also coming from livermore pleasanton your ride on 580 west is merging with 680 and is backed up as well. a lot of heavy traffic on the nimitz freeway, just a broken you. south and had a back from to 38 through hayward and the union city into fremont is because of an earlier accident in fremont. it is long gone but the slow traffic is still there, less than 25 mi. an hour. for fremont and all way towards the south bay as well. san francisco is starting to loosen up but it is so slow. it is back the bonds of the 880 over crossing in crowded in the oakland maze. if you want to avoid the bay bridge hop over to the san mateo bridge. that will save you
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some time getting into san francisco, of the ride doing just fine. the commute on 1 01 is doing fine across the golden gate. no significant problems or slowing across the bridge. it is a little crowded if you're coming from the north bay on south one-on-one as you work your way out of nevado. >> a quick break as the kron4 morning news continues. this goes on lock down because of a threat in cupertino. a live look at months of this the high- school one of the schools at shut down.
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>> new details on the mall shooting in portland oregon. the last gunmen opened fire
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has been identified as 22 year-old jacob tyler roberts. he appears that acted alone and a random shooting rampage. he had recently quit his job, sold all his belongings and told friends he was moving to hawaii. here's video from the scene. he is a semi- automatic rifle that he stole the day before the shooting from someone he knew. robbers killed two people and wounded a third before you took his own life. investigators say reds had no significant criminal history. police have arrested three people in connection with the fatal stabbing of 17 year-old former football star justice afoa. he was stabbed to death two years ago near the intersection of cedar boulevard and birds street and the word. 19 year-old daniela guzman, 31 year-old daniel howard and 2032 year old rafael told our were arrested on suspicion of murder.
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>> security firm mcafee announce that is average tacked on 30 u.s. banks has been planned. a gang of five rebel colonels and all this the visited chosen and that funneling money out a bank account from chase, citibank, and wells fargo and a pal as well as dozens of other large banks. prostate with its lights greproject let's craig has been successfully tested in at least 380 big bank accounts in the united states. the banks aren't commenting that are reportedly working to minimize the threat. john mcafee of arrive in miami last night after being held in immigration detention and guatemalans. he spoke to reporters after he landed as well as an aid
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nightclub last night. he spent weeks in guatemala because authorities in belize were seeking " to question him about the killing of his neighbor. he will study had nothing to do with his neighbors death and was seeking asylum in guatemala to avoid police persecution. >> we have a live report coming up on the other side of this break with the month of as the high school clothes there. [ crickets chirping ]
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[ traffic passing ] ♪ [ music box: lullaby ] [ man on tv, indistinct ] ♪ [ lullaby continues ] [ baby coos ] [ man announcing ] millions are still exposed to the dangers... of secondhand smoke... and some of them can't do anything about it. ♪ [ continues ] [ gasping ]
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breaking is out of the south bay and cupertino were months of this the high school at lincoln elementary are shut down right now. they're investigating a bomb threat on campus. mike pelton is on the scene, standing by with a look at some of the roadblocks surrounding that school. >> i am at but road and mcclellan just down the street for months of this the high-school. officers
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also have mcclellan road close down as they investigate a bomb threat. lincoln elementary is closed because it is adjacent to the high school. we have to officers on the screen, a couple officers have gone into the school since we have arrived a short time ago. it is a little confusing so follow along. investigators were checking a another incident at lynbrook high school earlier this morning. they found graffiti on the wall that mentioned a possible bomb threat for months of this the high school. the threat was apparently aimed towards a male teacher. officers responded and brought in canines. they will be on the scene here for several more hours ensuring safety. they evacuated the high school. there are a couple of students and the parking lot and they told some of us that they are getting text messages from friends at other schools saying their
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schools are getting looked at by the police. one received a text message with a picture of a bomb threat from an entirely different school not previously mentioned. this is potentially going around to several schools. police main concern is making sure everyone is ok. there surging multiple campuses but focusing right now and months of this a high school. -- surginearching >> the police are checking doing walk-throughs at other schools. this is initially at monte vista high school though. >> these schools are just to the west of 85 and cupertino area. this is a large campus, over two dozen students attending this high
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school. lincoln elementary is right next door. though these goals are on mcclellan. the neighboring streets have been shut down. they are letting people who live in the area get to their homes. through traffic though the road is shut down. as a precaution they are going through months of this size cool right now. >> it is 932 and we want to go to robin to get a look at more traffic. >> a couple of hot spots out there that will definitely slow you down around the bay area this morning. the east bay has trouble spots on highway 680. it's 680 al costa. emergency crews are dealing with an overturn accident. a vehicle heading northbound crashed into the center divider and flipped onto its side. traffic is growing in both directions.
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traffic is slow moving between 25 mi. an hour. if you have to travel anywhere between san ramon in dublin make sure you leave early and give yourself aftertime. i knew how sought for the south bay is in mountain view southbound 85 at fremont ave. emergency crews dealing with a vehicle fire. nothing is blocked but lots of smoke blowing into the traffic lanes. dockers are slowing things down. 237 northbound if you're planning headed that way to give yourself extra town. nothing is blocked and everything is off to the shoulder but the damage is done. the commute is tied up and all sides of highway 85. >> we are now under freezing in the bay area but it is still cold. upper 30's for livermore 50 in oakland and san francisco's apps 47 degrees. mainly sunny skies and temperatures will be in the low to mid 50's. tonight
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partly cloudy conditions on taps. heading into tomorrow the cold front will drop its way through with a chance of showers around the bay. full details on what to expect in future cast four and d 7 day around the bay and my next report. >> multimillion-dollar contracts surround the promotion of the new eastern span of the bay bridge have been canceled. state officials agreed to pay nearly $10 million in severance as the base public relations firm to and mentors and produce a video and commemorate book of the bridge work. the multimillion-dollar contract was approved by the state department of general services in september. however the tide has since been canceled after came to light to local area the analyst. >> 934 and after years of legal wrangling in oakland a powerful outside compliance director is now set to
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oversee the oakland police department. a federal judge signed off on a plan yesterday. the compliance director will have the power to demote or fire the police chief as well as set an action plan for carrying out several reforms. including the use of force and alleged racial profiling. the compliance director's power is imposed this wet is limited to the command staff of the police department. the director also have to get approval from a judge to spend money. recommendations for candidates for the position must be submitted to the judge by december 21st. oakland police are stopping 75% your drivers and pedestrians this year than they did three years ago. it's a sharp drop in enforcement becomes a the same time there has been a spike in crime and the one of california's most dangerous cities. dublin officers made more than 68,000 police thousand of 2008 and 2009. there about 49,000 stops in 2011 and 25,000 last year.
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[ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection you can count on. introducing at&t u-verse high speed internet with more speed options, reliability and wi-fi hot spots than ever. call at&t now to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. our newly expanded advanced digital network gives you more of what you enjoy online. and with at&t, our wireless gateway turns your home into a private wi-fi hot spot that connects your wi-fi devices and can even save on your smart phone data usage at home. so call now to get at&t u-verse high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. that includes access on-the-go to our entire national wi-fi hot spot network, with over 30,000 hot spots. at&t u-verse high speed internet. now on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection your whole house can count on. ♪
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in the people, businesses, and organizations that call the bay area home. whether it's helping a nonprofit provide safe, affordable housing within the city, supporting an organization that's helping kids find jobs and stay in school, or financing the expansion of a local company that's creating healthier workplaces, what's important to the people of the bay area is important to us. and we're proud to work with all those who are making our communities stronger.
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>> starting today blaring commercials that are a lot louder than the tv show you're watching are banned. the fcc is during the practice st the ads must maintain the same average volume of the programs they are on. allow commercials have been a leading source of complaints to the sec said its consumer call center began reporting top complaints in 2002. american airlines >> american airlines is changing the way it charges passengers to fly. the airline says it is quite a
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charge 68 to $88 more per round trip for economy class passengers who want to check baggage or change their reservation later without getting hit by another feet. american says this will eliminate fears about what ifs. the airline will still sell a basic fare without protection against at on fees. the new tickets can still be purchased online and through travel agents nationwide. >> they are doing it for us. >> that is nice of them. (laughter) >> we are going to come back with the latest on the school's closing in cupertino. also at about 50 minutes dr. phil coming up after the kron4 news.
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>> a quick update on the
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breaking news story we have been falling out of the south bay. a threat as close the schools and cupertino. month of is the high school and lincoln elementary school. thanks for bring you these pictures from above, looking down the parking lot. it has become a makeshift command center this morning for the police. this a threat originated at lynwood high school and san jose. police were there earlier this morning investigating of vandalism incident and cam across some graffiti on the wall. it directly threatened a male teacher at months of this i school. it also said there was a bomb at the school. san jose police called cupertino pd and classes were canceled. campbell says were evacuated and all roads leading to month of this guy and when the elementary right next door have been closed off. the stores are in place and bomb sniffing dogs and police are working room by room clearing the
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campus as they go. it is a long process in the last word we had was that it could take at least three hours. class is cancelled for the day, when they will rezone it is still up in the air. as soon as we find out in the newsroom we will let you know. kron4 .com is a great way to stay updated as well as our facebook steve. >> developing is we're following for out of the five people accused in the death of a man found bound and gagged on the san francisco street have pleaded not guilty. the fifth suspect has posted bail and will be arraigned tomorrow morning. this is video from yesterday's arraignment. three of the suspects have been charged with murder and the other two are charged with conspiracy and be an accessory to the crime. we're also learning more details about the victims. the man 26 year-old steven reed was visiting california from georgia. he got here and october was planning to move to the san francisco
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area. he and a woman were found tied up in the middle of the road on the 900 block of russell street around 830 sunday night. investigators say the suspects in custody shot read and the neck before dumping the two victims industry. the female victim remains in the hospital this morning and is expected to survive. 948 and we want to get a look at the weather and traffic. >> we have several hot spots right now. normally as we start to approach the 10:00 hour it starts to call down. it is not the case this morning. the east bay has a hot spot on highway 680. northbound at all cost of. emergency crews are still dealing with an overturn accident. the two left lanes of shut down right in here, you can see traffic is moving around 25 mi. an hour. both northbound and southbound traffic are jammed between san ramon and
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dublin. also trouble on highway 283 daly city. an injury accident southbound to 80 at hickey, the two lands closed there. the southbound ride coming out of daly city headed toward san bruno is going extra slow. the vehicle fire working at the san mateo bridge toll plaza. this is a live shot after the toll plaza if you're headed westbound. there's not traffic on the bridge but before you get to the toll plaza. the right as close as emergency crews are dealing with that. if the marsh from and it's headed over to the san mateo bridge toll plaza, give yourself extra time. the bay bridge and is starting to improve. drive times are improving but still about 20 minutes or so. the commute across the golden gate is an easy ride. it has been trouble free throughout the morning. so crowded on south one-on-one for nevado but wants to get through san revell and across the bridge is an easy
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commute into sentences go. >> it is still cold out there, holding on to some 30's and the north bay. 37 in santa rosa 39 and about an oakland is a little warmer at 50 degrees right now. it is cold and it will remain that way into the afternoon. the mid-50s in the south bay fremont at 5355 for santa clara and mountain view we have sunny skies. it will be a chilly one. 53 on tap for alameda and the north bay low 50s. oakland is coming in at 57 degrees. the big weather story as it will be dry for today and another cold front will drive down from the gulf of alaska bringing with the cool air. cloudy conditions and yes the potential for a shower. this is a quick mover and it will impact us into the afternoon. light rain expected, maybe a 10th of an inch of rain. keep your
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umbrella around for the weekend. 7 day around the bay forecast shows wet weather on tap for saturday into sunday. your afternoon highs will top out in the upper 50s. looks like we will see on and off hours monday and tuesday and a slim possibility exists for rain as we head into your wednesday. >> the golden state warriors giving the bay area something to be excited about. they are taking on the reigning champs the miami heat, a close game. with the fire old met ed's the second left the zero that jack found drayman green underneath the basket for an alley-oop gave the warriors 89795 lan. the
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orioles are on a there wrote winning five in a row and are 12 and 13 in the last 15 games. the warriors are at its orlando taking on the magic tomorrow night. as sam francisco giants favorite entrees thorez is returning to the giants reaching an agreement on a one-year contract. he must pass a physical to finalize the deal. he's been 20s tall season with the york mets falling three years with the giants. he had 0.230 this year with three home runs, three and 35 rbis and 13 stolen bases and 132 games. we will be back in just a few minutes.
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>> and this morning the nominations are out for some movies and see show tv shows you may want to catch up with. the 70th annual golden globe awards are an indicator of the oscars. lincoln leads the pack with seven nominations including
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best drama, best director, best direction very. argo and jangle enchains and tied for second place. life of five and zero dark 30 also got nominations. the golden gloves will be held on january 13th. it will be hosted by tina fey and amy polar. >> thanks for joining us at the kron4 morning news and we will see you tomorrow morning.
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